端圖建築顧問有限公司 Threshold Consultants Limited

threshold consultants limited
14/f, prosperity commercial building, 786 nathan road, mongkok, kowloon
電話號碼2393 2040 
傳真號碼3106 2566 
電郵地址[email protected] 
聯絡人kitty au 

提供服務 services

  • alterations & additions works and minor works
  • educational
  • healthcare
  • heritage & conservation works
  • interior design


bradbury school library

bradbury school library, stubbs road, hong kong, 2011. taking the book shelves as objects in space, this new library was designed using simple geometric forms to make the space fun for primary students. curvy dark bookshelves against colourful winding walls forms contrasting scheme to create cozy corners for joyful reading.
year of completion: 2011
url : http://www.threshold.com.hk/bsl/bsl.html

the john wray atrium

the john wray atrium, hong kong, 2009 -2010, located at the roof top of south island school. it is a newly added structure over the existing assembly hall of the school. composed of a steel roof and window walls, this steel structure created a new multi-functional space to one of the outstanding international secondary schools in the city.
year of completion: 2010

kowloon methodist church

the primary school annex is converted into religious facilities for the kowloon methodist church. the former school hall, which is part of the historical church building, is remodeled into a contemporary chapel. historical features such as coved ceiling, antique benches and granolithic walls are preserved and integrated with the interiors.
year of completion: 2011
url : http://www.threshold.com.hk/kmc/kmc.html

附註 notes:

端圖建築顧問有限公司threshold consultants limited位於九龍旺角彌敦道786號中興商業大廈14樓,以上資料由建築師事務所自願提供,brokwiki收集於網絡,但並不保證其真確性。

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