名稱 | 陳嘉瑜chan ka yu |
牌照號碼 | jb9079 |
牌照狀况 | 有效(暫時吊銷) |
牌照類別 | 個人保險代理 |
可經營的業務系列 | 長期業務(不包括相連長期業務) |
牌照時期 | 2020-09-25 ~ 2023-09-24 |
業務地址 | 1/f, aia hong kong tower, 734 king’s road, quarry bay, hk |
委任主事人名稱 | 牌照號碼 | 委任經營的業務系列 | 委任日期 |
牌照類別 | 牌照時期 | 委任主事人名稱 | (委任)或(授權)時期 |
ind | “2020-09-25” ~ “2023-09-24” | aia company limited友邦保險有限公司 | “2020-09-25” ~ “2021-04-01” |
this licensee has ceased to be appointed by any authorized insurer/licensed insurance agency/licensed insurance broker company (as the case may be) and the relevant licence is therefore suspended pursuant to section 64zh/64zi/64zj/64zk (as the case may be) of the insurance ordinance.